The Inspiration Challenge: Level Two๐ซ ๐ฒ
Hello, my amazingly supportive friends and family! I hope everyone's week is going well and I hope last week's challenge inspired you to stay positive last week. This week was pretty good for me. Although, I am having a slight ear ache so pray that goes away because it's just plain annoying. I try not to take over the counter medicines that much anymore, however, Advil helps with the inflammation and that has been helping my pain. I also have been using olive oil and warm towels and that seems to be soothing the pain so it should be gone soon...fingers crossed. Other than that I am doing great and staying blessed and busy. How was your week? (let me know in the comments or hit up my email below)
I was watching TV one day this week...well listening because I was in the kitchen...and this commercial came on. It was an ad from Common Sense Media talking about the benefits of "device-free dinners". I took this idea and I am running with it, not only do I want your homework and challenge for the week to include three device-free dinners, but also three device free conversations.
Technology is a blessing and a curse, as we all know. If you ever need to know any information it is right at your fingertips. However, this has started to desocialize the upcoming generation. This has also made us as a people extremely impatient. Think about that, think about the children who don't even know how to talk to people face to face in real life. Think about how we as a society get so impatient after waiting for like three seconds for something. The idea of device-free dinners is amazing for families or even couples. Just putting the phones, tablets, computers, TV, etc away for 20-30 minutes and talking about anything 3 times a week can really improve and help relationships.
Here I go being transparent: my honey and I are coming up on 9 months together. (This may seem like a long time to some and a short time to others nevertheless that's where we are. ) Now we have known each other and have been talking/dating for about a year. We pride ourselves on prioritizing our time and making sure we can hang out often. After so much time with someone, they become part of your everyday routine. We have been doing device-free dinners as well as device-free conversations. We have a conversation every day with no devices, During this conversation, we like to talk about the highlights of our days and something we appreciated during that day. This always ends our day on a good note and keeps our relationship fun and passionate. I thought he would think this was cheesy, and it may be to some people however this is our favorite part of our day and we look forward to it because of the possibility.
Adding something positive into your daily routine with no devices can be beneficial for you, your spouse and your children. Now I do not have any children of my own but in my classes and in life, in general, I frequently work with all ages of children. These exercises can be something that continues their social ability. This is important for everyday life and networking as they get older. The skill of talking to people face to face is something that will never leave our society completely.
I hope you all have fun with this weeks challenge, I have been having fun and looking forward to it every day. Again, try three device-free dinners, and three device-free conversations separate from dinner. If you have kids YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS!
I hope you all enjoyed this week’s blog post. Thank you for taking the time out to read it. Don't forget, we can always chat in the comments. Let me know if you have any questions and please leave suggestions for other blog ideas for the upcoming weeks.Talk to you soon. Stay beautiful stay positive. ๐
Yaya Hall
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