The Inspiration Challenge: Level Three💫 🌻

Hello, my beautiful friends, family and challenge members! How is everyone doing this week? Did you have a good holiday? (Let me know what you and your family did for the fourth of July) Good news, my ear is completely 100% better. Doing those organic remedies really worked and I am so happy I did not have to go to the doctor and take antibiotics. My boyfriend and I went to visit his family in St. Louis, we had a really good time. We celebrated his grandmother's 65th birthday and ate, saw fireworks, dressed up and enjoyed each others company. That will be the last time either of us is able to go home for a while because FOOTBALL SEASON IS COMING🏈  I also did something pretty big and got my second tattoo I love it. I'll put a couple of pictures here and I hope you all enjoyed your holiday as much as we did!

Now let's get into this weeks challenge, shall we? This week I wanted to write about this picture that I saw on Facebook. (I am not sure who the original picture was taken by I am not taking credit for it) This picture goes through five things that you should never feel guilty for. I am going to take it a step further and say five things you should never be afraid of doing. This post was also inspired by my beautiful Aunt Barbara because she recently spoke on not being afraid to wear certain items of clothing or jewelry or wearing your hair a certain way because of your age. Her posting this also helped me realize that our society puts a lot of pressure on us. Through media and social media men and women are holding themselves back from doing what is right for themselves because of what other people may think and say. I am guilty of this too as we most unconsciously are. I am going to go through and break down these five ideas and I want you to journal about your experience with trying one of these points this week.

1. Changing for the better: Don't be afraid to create new habits and hobbies. Don't allow society to dictate who you hang out with, what music you like or even what you wear. Choose the best options for yourself and just go with it. Change is hard but change is good.

2. Knowing your worth: I saw another post that said: "know your worth...and add taxes to it".  Know what you bring to the table in any relationship or friendship. If other people are not living up to what you bring you need to decide if these people are worth your precious time that you can't get back. Don't waste time. Know that you ARE all that and a bag of chips. Be confident, feel yourself! It's okay to be cocky sometimes lol.

3. Moving on: Now when most people hear "move on" they automatically think of a relationship, this may be true and may be something you need to think about. However, this could also mean moving on from a job, a bad habit, or an unhealthy friendship. Set boundaries and move forward from whatever is holding you back. Don't be afraid and do this for YOU.

4. Protecting your peace: I took from this point that whatever you do to keep yourself happy should not stop because of or for someone/something else. No one who is a positive asset to your life should want you to be uninvolved in whatever makes you happy...think about that.

5. Staying true to your vision: For me I think this means whatever your dream is, no matter how crazy it sounds to other people, go for it, take the steps. Even if it is scary stay true to your own dreams and what you want to do, how you want to live no matter what others believe.

I believe that this challenge should be a staple piece in our inspiration challenge. This should be something you look at more than one time just as a reminder to do you. Stay true to who you are and who you want to be. Be the best and most positive person you can be for yourself. You guys know I always say this but positivity reflects don't forget that. So this week try one of these points out. Don't be afraid and journal about your experience. Do what is best for you, makes you happy and stay positive.

I hope you all enjoyed this week’s blog post. Thank you for taking the time out to read it. Don't forget, we can always chat in the comments. Let me know if you have any questions and please leave suggestions for other blog ideas for the upcoming weeks.Talk to you soon. Stay beautiful stay positive. 💕

Yaya Hall

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Moms walking organization GirlTrek

Dads fitness business 

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all bogs grammatically corrected by Grammarly

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