The Inspiration Challenge: LL NINE🎯

OMG, you guys, I'm back! I am SO sorry for being gone for a month! It has been forever it feels like. Now back to our regularly scheduled program. I just want to thank you all for the support and sharing and liking my content. I have gotten so many messages from people expressing how much the homework I give has helped them and that makes me so excited. I have been beyond busy. Khalen's season has been going really well and his family and I have been busy supporting him and the team with all their adventures. It has been a lot of fun and a lot of traveling this season so I am grateful for those experiences. I also just picked up another job and my days have been 14+ hours with school and the amazing job I already have. I am so grateful for the busy season God is placing in my life and I know that this is the time to "stack my paper" and grind. There have been a lot of "grown-up" changes happening in my life and I am just living and taking in every moment that I can. Again I cannot thank you all enough for the support!

This week we are skipping week eight. That was scheduled to be about what to do in the midst of a panic attack. I feel like we have covered that a lot so I am moving on to week nine. (if you want me to go in depth more about panic attacks I would be more than happy to do so just let me know) Week nine's topic is about the damage of comparing yourself to others. Whether you are comparing to something worse than what you have, or something better. The thief of all joy is comparison.

If you have not checked out my "Taking a break from social media" blog, you might want to check that out as well. With social media and media, in general, we are taught what a perfect body image looks like and see it all day every day. On our social media pages, we see the celebrity images, fit and active women, or families that seem to be perfect. You have to remember that people pick and choose what aspects of their life to put on social media. So, of course, it looks "perfect". You cannot keep putting in your mind that their life has no problems because EVERYONE's LIFE HAS PROBLEMS AND NO ONE IS PERFECT. You never know what they went through to get there or what they are still going through behind closed doors out of the eyes of their viewers. You have to focus on your life and even the things that seem little, you have to be grateful for them. If you want more for your life YOU have to do it and go get it.

We are also all guilty of comparing our lives to someone that has it worse than us to make us feel better about what we are doing or what we are going through. Trust me I am guilty of it too. This is okay if you are trying to keep yourself in check. By that, I mean: if you're in the middle of being dramatic or throwing a pity party and you check yourself and think it could always be worse. It is okay to remind yourself of people that are going through worse situations so that you are grateful for the little things you have. However, don't let this go to your head. Don't start believing that you're better than anyone because of the choices that you made. Some people are in bad situations because they did not have a choice and again you don't know what happened behind closed doors to lead them to the dark place they are in.

This week I want you to not compare yourself to ANYONE OR ANYTHING for the whole week. I want you to count how many times you think about comparisons and keep track of them. Comparing yourself to a good or bad situation can put you in a bad head space and could keep you there. This could lead to a spiraling depression if YOU do not focus on YOU. Do all you can do to be the best you can be!

Lapè Level 10 week series:

1. Everyone gets anxious...that doesn't mean everyone has anxiety
2. Diagnosis: self-diagnosed vs. Dr. diagnosis; Know your triggers
3. Talk to SOMEONE: create boundaries and thoughts on therapy
4. Find a hobby: make time for something you love and the benefits
5. How to: calm down even in the moment
6. Lifestyle: sleep, diet, and exercise can all affect stress
7. Step back: taking time off
8. What to do: Panic attack
9. The damages of comparing yourself to others
10. Control: what you can and cannot control

I hope you all enjoyed this week’s blog post. Thank you for taking the time out to read it. Don't forget, we can always chat in the comments. Let me know if you have any questions and please leave suggestions for other blog ideas for the upcoming weeks.Talk to you soon. Stay beautiful stay positive. 💕

Yaya Hall

Follow my social media:
SnapChat: yayahall3
IG: hallyaya
FaceBook: Yaya Hall
Twitter: hall_yaya

Check out what my parents do:
Moms walking organization GirlTrek

Dads fitness business 

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all blogs grammatically corrected by Grammarly

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