The Inspiration Challenge| Lapè Level ONE 🦋 🏞 ✌🏼

This week we are going to start off with the topic: Everyone gets anxious, that doesn't mean you have anxiety. I feel this is a good place to begin this 10-week series because sometimes people easily confuse the two, especially in this day and age when it seems the word is just being thrown around sometimes. We'll jump into diagnosis and self-diagnosis next week, which goes along with this topic.
Now, anxiety, as we learned last week means to feel worried about an uncertain outcome. As I have stated, I am in no way a doctor; however, I am studying psychology and I am going to use my studies in this series. This feeling is something that usually comes and goes normally. When it becomes consistent and something that happens every or most time there is an uncertain outcome, this is now something that can be diagnosed. When you feel you cannot control the feelings of worry, this is something that has potential to be diagnosed, depending on the symptoms of course.
I wanted to cover this topic first because this series can be useful for those who are not sure if they have anxiety, who get anxious or who just deal with normal life stressors that can cause you to feel anxious in the moment. Next week we will go over diagnosis, self-diagnosis and doctor diagnosis. I want you to think about how often in one day do you worry or feel worried about uncertain outcomes. How often do you think about uncertain outcomes in life? The past couple of years I have had to learn that life is about change and uncertain outcomes. During these changes, I needed help to cope with them and in receiving help, I discovered what my triggers are and what MY anxious moments look like. I want you guys to understand what YOUR individual anxious moments look like. When you begin to worry, what happens internally, externally, mentally and physically. These are all things that will be important in these next couple of levels. This is all about discovering and repairing YOU. I am taking what I have gone through and the breakthroughs I have made for myself and passing them along. It is important that we are able to embrace and accept change because this life we live is not as predictable and comfortable as we would like.
I have left you with a lot of things to think about this week. Worried moments, what happens during stress, knowing what your anxious moments look like and how often these moments happen. Depression is what I call a side effect of unmanaged symptoms. In my opinion from my studies and my life experience, depression symptoms can be reduced by managing anxiety and life stress. I have done at least 10 research studies in this specific field including all ages. I have personally found that when you make time for yourself and handle life changes as they come the best way, depression symptoms are reduced tremendously! With that said, if you get to know yourself and your symptoms, know your triggers and how often these may happen, depressional symptoms are less likely to occur.
As I've said, changes are yet to come and life is not predictable. Things are always happening, something always needs to be done. This is something that is hard to accept especially for those who need to feel a sense of control. Control is used sometimes in a bad way, however, I am not talking about control over other people. I'm referring to taking control over life situations, and in that aspect, unfortunately, there is NO WAY to control that. Just because you have everything you need, maybe most things you want and loving people around you does not mean you have nothing to worry about. Or you could be on the other end of the spectrum and maybe you don't have everything you need and not so many loving people around you. Everyone is in different situations and statuses, these factors are not predictors to if you "should" be worried or anxious or not. Anxiety is something that comes from the inside and does not depend on outside situations and factors so do not allow anyone to tell you that you are being ungrateful because you feel anxious because they are two separate entities.
I will let all of that information sink in. I think we dove deep enough for this week! I thank you so much for reading this weeks challenge post. We have nine more to go within this series. I hope you all are learning something about yourselves or even helping a friend or family member learn about themselves. I love you all. Please comment, share and enjoy this week's blog post. Next week we are diving into the differences and pro's and con's of being professionally diagnosed and self-diagnosis within anxiety and depression. We will also go into triggers, knowing them and avoiding them. Always look below for more information and upcoming chapters! Do your homework and I will see you all next Sunday RIGHT HERE!
Lapè Level 10 week series:
1. Everyone gets anxious...that doesn't mean everyone has anxiety
2. Diagnosis: self-diagnosed vs. Dr. diagnosis; Know your triggers
3. Talk to SOMEONE: create boundaries and thoughts on therapy
4. Find a hobby: make time for something you love and the benefits
5. How to: calm down even in the moment
6. Lifestyle: sleep, diet, and exercise can all affect stress
7. Step back: taking time off
8. What to do: Panic attack
9. The damages of comparing yourself to others
10. Control: what you can and cannot control
I hope you all enjoyed this week’s blog post. Thank you for taking the time out to read it. Don't forget, we can always chat in the comments. Let me know if you have any questions and please leave suggestions for other blog ideas for the upcoming weeks.Talk to you soon. Stay beautiful stay positive. 💕
Yaya Hall
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