The Inspiration Challenge | Lapè Levels ?! ☮️ ✌🏼 ❤️
HAPPY SUNDAY EVERYONE!! How was your week? My week was pretty average. Some of my work this week got a little stressful but I kept focused, had a little moment and stayed grateful through the stress. It is ironic that I was dealing with a little stress this week as that is the focus of my new series!! If you have been following me on Facebook, (shameless plug: Yaya Hall) you would have seen the announcement that I am beginning a new series within The Inspiration Challenge for the next 10 WEEKS! You ready?
This new series is called Lapè Levels. Lapè is a beautiful word for peace in the Caribbean language. I chose to create this series because finding peace has been something I wanted to concentrate on when I first created The Inspiration Challenge but I wanted all I had to offer to be organized. Hint...that's why there is a 10-week series.
Anxiety and stress are something that as humans, we all deal with on an everyday basis. Some deal with anxiety or depression being triggered when stressors arise. Before I begin diving into what this series will be all about I want to give a quick disclaimer. I am not a licensed doctor or psychologist. This challenge is my opinion based on my life experiences. I am in college studying psychology, business, and communication so I do have a feel for the brain and how it works. However, I would consult a licensed doctor if you have concerns about any of the homework that I give for this challenge. This series is diving really deep and could get touchy and I don't want anyone to be offended. If I inspire ONE person throughout this challenge to be positive and find peace then I have accomplished my goal and that is all I want.
These levels are all about finding inner peace in the midst of your stressor, knowing your triggers and creating boundaries. Unlike the other challenges that focus on radiating positivity on others, now we are focusing on inner positivity throughout everyday situations. Anxiety and depression are both overlooked and underlooked in today's society. We will get more into that next week. Everyone is not diagnosed with anxiety, but everyone deals with anxious moments. Let's take a look at a couple of definitions so we are all on the same page with this topic.
- a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
feelings of severe despondency and dejection.
- a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.
There is no official homework this week, I do want you to ponder and think about these words and think about what they really mean to you in your life when you experience these feelings. Knowing how these words affect you personally will help throughout this series because you can gain peace with your own personal experiences. It is easy to just take what society says is true or feel how society tells you to feel. This challenge is about breaking free from that and learning more about your own self as a person. Sounds easier than it actually is.
Now, I want to give you a little sneak peak at how I have organized my thoughts into this series coming up. I have so much to say on this topic and I didn't want to write something that would take five hours to read in one sitting. I wanted my thoughts and ideas to be organized and laid out like chapters in a book. The order of these levels listed below is in an order that is the easiest to digest step by step. Look forward to joining me next week in our first week of the Lapè Level Series. I love you all and I hope this allows just one person to get to know themselves and begin to find inner peace.
Lapè Level 10 week series:
1. Everyone gets anxious...that doesn't mean everyone has anxiety
2. Diagnosis: self-diagnosed vs. Dr. diagnosis; Know your triggers
3. Talk to SOMEONE: create boundaries and thoughts on therapy
4. Find a hobby: make time for something you love and the benefits
5. How to: calm down even in the moment
6. Lifestyle: sleep, diet, and exercise can all affect stress
7. Step back: taking time off
8. What to do: Panic attack
9. The damages of comparing yourself to others
10. Control: what you can and cannot control
I hope you all enjoyed this week’s blog post. Thank you for taking the time out to read it. Don't forget, we can always chat in the comments. Let me know if you have any questions and please leave suggestions for other blog ideas for the upcoming weeks.Talk to you soon. Stay beautiful stay positive. 💕
Yaya Hall
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