
The Inspiration Challenge: LL NINE🎯

OMG, you guys, I'm back! I am SO sorry for being gone for a month! It has been forever it feels like. Now back to our regularly scheduled program. I just want to thank you all for the support and sharing and liking my content. I have gotten so many messages from people expressing how much the homework I give has helped them and that makes me so excited. I have been beyond busy. Khalen's season has been going really well and his family and I have been busy supporting him and the team with all their adventures. It has been a lot of fun and a lot of traveling this season so I am grateful for those experiences. I also just picked up another job and my days have been 14+ hours with school and the amazing job I already have. I am so grateful for the busy season God is placing in my life and I know that this is the time to "stack my paper" and grind. There have been a lot of "grown-up" changes happening in my life and I am just living and taking in every moment ...

The Inspiration Challenge| LL: SEVEN 🍇 🔮 ☮️

Hello everyone, I hope the past few weeks have been good to you. I've been doing great! I recently met with my college advisor and was told that next semester I only have to take two more classes and then I graduate. That means this semester is my last full-time semester and I graduate next semester. I am so excited!! I will FINALLY be done. Some of you may not know but school was really a challenge for me. So much so that I chose to give myself an extra year. There is nothing wrong with graduating in five years and I am not ashamed of it at all. Taking your time, if possible is important to get the best results. That goes for anything not just schooling. I was also able to add a minor with the extra time I added so I will graduate with the degrees I originally wanted. That ties into what we will be talking about this week. This weeks topic is about stepping back and taking time for yourself. We have talked previously about the importance of finding a hobby and doing t...

The Inspiration Challenge| LL: SIX 🔶 📙

Hello everyone! Sorry about the delay in a new blog post but last week was CRAZYYYY!! We planned a last minute trip to go out of town because we had a free weekend and that was the only one we will get all semester. So I wanted to take full advantage of that time and when I got back I had a lot of "life stuff" to take care of. You all know how that goes trying to get ready for ANOTHER hectic week lol! Thank you all for bearing with me and sharing this series! I've been getting lots of views and messages so I am so pleased that I am touching all of you. Continue to read and share and give me your thoughts.  Speaking of  "life stuff" this weeks level is going to be about how three main aspects of your everyday lifestyle can change and affect anxious and depressive symptoms. The three main aspects we will cover this week will be sleep, diet, and exercise. Don't get me wrong, there are so many other lifestyle situations that can affect anxiousness...

The Inspiration Challenge | LL :FIVE 🐳 💙

Hello, everyone!!! I hope you all had an amazing couple of weeks and I hope you had time to gather a few hobby ideas. Make sure you're making some time for that every week and making time for yourself, in general, every week. The past couple of weeks I have had A TON of school work to do! Now I am finally getting into a routine. Khalen's team won their first game and he made the first touchdown at Tennessee Tech! That was something really exciting for his family and me to witness. What exciting thing happened to you this week? Let me know in the comments.  This weeks topic includes a few tips and tricks on how to calm yourself down in the middle of a panic attack, anxiety attack or just an anxious moment. Again, I am not a doctor but I have suffered from anxiety and I am studying the brain and have a lot of relevant knowledge regarding healthy ways you can calm yourself down.  Let's talk about some important background information first. The amygdala...

The Inspiration Challenge| Lape Level: FOUR 💕 🦄 🌸

Hey, guys!!! I hope everyone's week was amazing. Did you enjoy our little Facebook marathon? Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you all. This week I started my last year of college classes. It was pretty hectic and I had a TON of work to do already. Unfortunately, I am now coming down with something. I think it is from all the students coming back and all the germs. Plus the temperature has been all over the place and jumping ten degrees here and ten degrees there by the day. I'm sure that is not good for my immune system at all! So send your prayers and your love because having a cold right now is not ideal. I hope all of you are well and healthy and ready to jump back into our challenge series. This weeks topic is about the importance of finding a hobby and making time to do something you really enjoy. There are endorphins in our brains that let us know when we are really happy. There are good ways and bad ways to trigger these endorphin...

The Inspiration Challenge| Lapé Level THREE ☘️ 🍏 💚

How are my favorite group of people doing this week? I have had a pretty good week. Y'all know I stay busy! My mom and I took a little girls trip this past weekend to Memphis, TN. We had a really nice time and it was fun to get away from the hustle and bustle of life for just a few days. Let me know what vacations you all have taken recently, OR somewhere you really want to go in the comments below. This week, it’s time for me to get as transparent as I can. I do this because I know that sharing my own experience will and can help other people going through the same thing or something similar to my situation. Boundaries : Last week you all should have kept a record of some of your most pertinent triggers to stress, anxiety or depression. I do not want to rush that process so you may still need to continue to journal to really understand what can and has set you off. Setting boundaries are the most important solution that I can provide. Although some problems are a...