The Inspiration Challenge| Lape Level: FOUR π π¦ πΈ
Hey, guys!!! I hope everyone's week was amazing. Did you enjoy our little Facebook marathon? Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you all. This
week I started my last year of college classes. It was pretty hectic and I had a TON of work to do already. Unfortunately, I am now coming down with something. I think it is from all the students coming back and all the germs. Plus the temperature has been all over the place and jumping ten degrees here and ten degrees there by the day. I'm sure that is not good for my immune system at all! So send your prayers and your love because having a cold right now is not ideal. I hope all of you are well and healthy and ready to jump back into our challenge series.
This weeks topic is about the importance of finding a hobby and making time to do something you really enjoy. There are endorphins in our brains that let us know when we are really happy. There are good ways and bad ways to trigger these endorphins. We can trigger them by eating sugars and junk food, doing things we enjoy, sometimes exercise, seeing others happy etc. Keeping your endorphins balanced and understanding your emotions is an important component in controlling anxiety or depressive symptoms. Knowing what makes you happy is just as important as knowing your triggers to stress. Being aware of your own emotions is much easier said than done in some cases.
Doing something that you enjoy to do is a great and healthy way to trigger the good endorphins in your brain and allow yourself to experience happiness. This happiness is from giving yourself time. We are all busy and sometimes could not imagine adding one more thing to our plate. However, studies do show that including happiness in your busy schedule decreases stress tremendously. Makes sense right?
Some examples of this would be what I am doing right now. Creating these blogs, helping people and staying in touch with my creative side. These are all things that keep me balanced because this is something I absolutely love to do. I love making plans, executing them and creating a cool looking space for others to read my material. I enjoy the feedback, communicating and helping others as well. It took me a while to truly find my own nitch and the hobby that makes me happy but you have to explore different options. I also enjoy going to the nail salon every few weeks. For you it could be music, painting, getting a massage, going shopping, etc.
This week I need you all to explore three different hobbies you think you would enjoy. If you find one you should incorporate this into your life. Studies show that any variations of an hour per week has a significant effect on the brain and increasing endorphin's in the brain, thus decreasing stress and anxious feelings throughout the week. When you have something fun to look forward it sometimes makes negative situations not as bad. You can also use the hobby to self-treat. What I mean by that is when something stressful happens maybe you could turn to that hobby (something healthy) as opposed to turning to ice cream or french fries. This is another challenge that is for YOU to concentrate on YOU and what makes YOU happy.
Lapè Level 10 week series:
1. Everyone gets anxious...that doesn't mean everyone has anxiety
2. Diagnosis: self-diagnosed vs. Dr. diagnosis; Know your triggers
3. Talk to SOMEONE: create boundaries and thoughts on therapy
4. Find a hobby: make time for something you love and the benefits
5. How to: calm down even in the moment
6. Lifestyle: sleep, diet, and exercise can all affect stress
7. Step back: taking time off
8. What to do: Panic attack
9. The damages of comparing yourself to others
10. Control: what you can and cannot control
I hope you all enjoyed this week’s blog post. Thank you for taking the time out to read it. Don't forget, we can always chat in the comments. Let me know if you have any questions and please leave suggestions for other blog ideas for the upcoming weeks.Talk to you soon. Stay beautiful stay positive. π
Yaya Hall
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Moms walking organization GirlTrek
Dads fitness business
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all blogs grammatically corrected by Grammarly
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