A Quick Cup of PossitiviTEA Reminders for Everyday
Hello my beautiful friends!! As you can see by the title, this blog will be a little something different. There has been SO much going on in the world. I'm not going to get into the details of that....but, it could easily suck you in to thinking negative thoughts all day everyday. Not only is there devastating news everyday, but our individual lives are not perfect either. Negative thoughts are something that can easily creep up on you and settle in your mind and become a part of your daily routine. This is something that can trigger anxiety or even the beginning stages of depression. It does take some training but controlling your thoughts IS possible. Trust me, I know from experience.
I am an extremely blessed individual. I absolutely love my life and the people in it. However, as everyone knows, life has its handfuls of ups and downs. Overtime I have learned how to control the thoughts in my head when I get overwhelmed. As I posted, this blog is inspired by a dear friend of mine Mr. Eric C. A few weeks ago I was having night terrors every-night. I did not realize until I did some digging in my thoughts that watching all the devastation around me was interrupting my sleep. Talking to him before bed we would control my thoughts before I rested my eyes for the evening and this would help the bad dreams and worries go away because I would focus on the positive things that I have going on. One day he said, "You know this would be a really good blog topic." So, here we are today! This is not the only time things have stressed me out this is just a recent example. I use these methods whenever I am worried or my anxiety gets out of control. I am excited to share these tips with all my beautiful friends because I know this is a blog you can click on not just now but whenever you need a little "pick me up" instead of looking towards an unhealthy source of relief, control your mind! I am a psychology major right now so put some of my tricks to work and see how happy you become in just 5-7 days.
1) GET GOOD REST: This is the first and I believe one of the most important tips. I suggest drinking some hot tea, taking a bath or taking melitonin vitamins before bed. These things will relax your body for the evening and prepare you for rest. Turn the phone and electronic gadgets off or put them away. The light from these items tricks your mind into thinking it is still day time and will keep your brain running. Maybe try some relaxing music or spa sounds, these can be found on Pandora. Also when your mind starts to wander and think about all the stuff you didn't do today or things you have to do tomorrow keep reminding yourself that it can be thought about another time or quickly write it down to get it out of your mind for the time being.
2) LOOK AT ALL THE POSSIBLE OUTCOMES: During a struggling time it can seem impossible to look at what I call "the light at the end of the tunnel" This is what will come after the dark time that your in. Keep your eyes on the prize and all the good coming ahead instead of the hard times now. Literally change your thought. When you are about to speak or think a complaint stop it mid sentence and say something random that is positive. Even if it is not how you feel, speak and think positive. Force yourself to change your thoughts and your training will pay off an this will become a habit.
3) KEEP AWAY FROM NEGATIVITY: For me this means not watching the news once the story parts come on. When the latest devastation, bombing, shooting etc., comes on, that is when the news gets turned off for me. Sometimes I find myself not going on social media as much either just to stay away from some of the stories for my own sanity. You can also wait to reply to text messages, emails or tell someone that you will call them back. Taking time to get your thoughts together before reacting always helps to insure that you will not do or say something just because it was in the moment. This step could also include staying away from negative people or negative conversations...during this step the cut off is real lol. In all seriousness, cutting people or situations off is usually for the best! Why hold on to extra baggage if your not obligated to?
4) REVERSE UNHEALTHY SELF TALK: This goes along with Tip #2. Reversing your thoughts. Taking the time to literally change your thought pattern or force yourself to think about only the positive outcomes and no negative. A therapist once told me that the "what if" thoughts in life will drive you crazy. You cannot let your mind wander into the "what if death zone" If you start thinking about what can happen that has not even happened yet this is a never ending, spiral down hill. There are endless possibilities. Have you ever thought about what if something good happens? You really should try it.
5) HAVE FAITH IN SOMETHING: I myself am a proud Christian woman and most of the time just knowing how God works will get me through. Knowing what He is capable of will keep me in a position to have faith when I am at my lowest. This is not a blog to determine your spirituality but my tip to you is to have faith in something. Something higher then you. This could be a spirit, a feeling, anything or anyone that has helped you before. Don't be afraid to feel like you need to lean on someone. Don't be afraid to be angry or sad, just let these things have a limit and do not let emotions control you. You can control all of your emotions if you want to. You have to want to.
If anyone is going through anything, all of my information is below and lets talk about it. Sometimes just talking or venting or even writing helps to get the initial emotion out. Remember your never alone and there is always someone who has been through it or been through worse. You are strong and you can defeat hardship, I mean you've done it before right? I hope you all enjoyed this weeks blog post. Thank you for taking the time out to read it. Don't forget we can always chat in the comments. Let me know if you have any questions and please leave suggestions for other blog ideas for the upcoming weeks. Talk to you soon. Stay beautiful stay positive. -Kisses
Yaya Hall
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Perfect blog for this day & time! ❤️
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